Rod & Ski Club

Om du älskar fiske & heliskiing är detta ditt program!

Vad är Rod & Ski Club?

Orörd vårsnö på morgonen och fiske på eftermiddagen, Laxarna blir upp till 15 kg!

  1. Min. förmåga Strong Intermediate
  2. Grupper med 3 och 4
  3. Grupper per heli 1 och 2
  4. Säsong vår, sommar

Bella Coola and its unparalleled, rugged, and angulated terrain are perfect for spring/summer corn snow skiing and boarding. The runs are, on average, 3000 vertical feet (900 meters) long and groomed to perfection by nature. Simply put, we will follow the sun around to find the ideal conditions. So don't forget your sunscreen!

In the afternoon, we will be river fishing for the great Chinook Salmon (sometimes also known as King Salmon). These mighty fish average in size from 25lbs (12kg) to 35lbs (16kg), but catching Salmon up to 50lbs (23kg) is possible. You will also have the opportunity to catch Rainbow Trout, Cutthroat Trout, and Dolly Varden with an average size of 2-4 lbs (1.5kg). The Bella Coola Valley is rightfully famous for its river fishing and compares favourably to internationally known rivers throughout BC and Alaska.

To fish we will be floating the Atnarko River in McKenzie Drift Boats. These boats are stable and offer a comfortable platform from which to cast as well as to enjoy the stunning valley scenery. The fishing technique we use is plugging and casting with a plug, bait, and lures. Fly-fishing is possible but more challenging due to river depth, speed, and fish holding. But hey, it is really up to you and your technique. 

All fishing equipment is included in your tour: waders, rods, reels, bait, plugs and lures. However please bring your own fishing equipment if you prefer or if you want to fly fish as we will not be supplying fly fishing gear. Just remember, big rods and reels are needed, fast sinking fly line and 20 + lb (8 kg +) line is recommended.

Preparation of fish for shipping is available locally. This can be by freezing the fish or smoking them. The daily per person quota is four Salmon and only one of those can be over 65 cm in length.

Vem kan åka?

Anyone that likes to ski and enjoys fishing should book the Rod & Ski Club! You don't need to be an experienced fisherman, however, you should be at least an intermediate skier or rider. To run this program, there should be 3-5 people in your group.

  1. 5 Nights includes 38,000 vertical feet of skiing and 4 guided river floats $9,980*
  2. 4 Nights includes 29,000 vertical feet of skiing and 3 guided river floats $8,380*
  3. 3 Nights includes 20,000 vertical feet of skiing and 2 guided river floats $6,680*

*Includes return airfares from Vancouver to Bella Coola. Rates are per person and in Canadian Dollars.

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