Helikoptrar, piloter och ingenjörer
Impeccable experience and maintenance
Impeccable experience and maintenance
All our helicopters and pilots are provided by West Coast Helicopters (WCH). We have been working with them for the past 10 years and are extremely happy with their level of service, attention to detail and their contribution to our over all safety standards in every respect.
From the perspective of Bella Coola Heli Sports, the helicopter pilots are as important as the guides in mitigating the risks of helicopter skiing. After all, pilots are ultimately responsible for all aspects of safety with regards to the operation of the helicopter and they are the key to conducting an effective and speedy rescue should that ever become necessary.
All the WCH pilots that fly for BCHS have thousands of hours of flying experience, including special training in mountain flying and heli skiing operations. They also participate in the annual guides training program prior to the start of the heli skiing season, including the mock rescue scenario conducted at that time.
Almost all our heli skiing is done with an ASTAR B2. This is one of the best and most versatile machines for heli skiing. The helicopters are serviced daily by certified mechanics inside heated hangars. While flying, the pilots are in constant communication with both the guides and a radio dispatcher at base. In addition, all helis are equipped with emergency locators and are tracked by both satellite and the radio dispatcher every minute of the ski day, meaning we know at all times exactly where the helis are at any given moment.
Safety related questions? Let us know! We will give you the straight facts. Click here